German company Opel has given the full information on modernised hatchback Corsa 2010 modelling years which sales in continental Europe start in the beginning of the next year, and in the Great Britain the model will appear in the middle of spring.
New hatchback Opel Corsa
The design of ex-terrier Opel Corsa has not changed 2010 modelling years at all, no less than a hatchback interior, and here technical "stuffing" of the car seriously modernised. According to official data of a motor-car manufacturer, engineers Opel managed to make all power ruler Corsa, except for a 1,6-l turbo-engine, is on the average more economic on 13,2%, and at 5 of 6 engines the indicator of emission CO2 in atmosphere does not exceed now 125/km.
The most economic motor of the German car is the new 1,3-l diesel unit ecoFLEX power of 95HP, spending for 100 km of a way in the mixed cycle of fuel of 3,7L. The scale of engines included two more diesel motors power of 75 and 130HP.
The spectrum of petrol units includes modernised the 65-strong engine in volume of 1 litre, the 85-strong 1,2-l motor and 1,4-l installation developing 100HP the Majority of cars in a standard complete set will receive the special indicator which will prompt to the driver the optimal moment for transfer switching. Also engineers Opel have improved a suspension bracket which hardly became softer, have improved controllability a compact car and system ESP work.
Opel Corsa 2010
In the Great Britain 2010 modelling years with the petrol engine in volume of 1 litre starts cost Opel Corsa from £10,285.