For some next years engineers and experts in marketing OPC have made real break, not only having presented to public some more serial models, but also successfully having untwisted a new brand from zero.
2011 Opel Corsa OPC
OPC-ruler star unexpectedly became Zafira the 1st generation. Thanks to bright appearance and a 2-litre turbo-motor in 200HP the car has for ever changed stereotypic representations about compact cars. By the way, in early years in OPC have picked up firm dark blue colour which became one more effective distinctive line of these cars. Till now many customers of OPC-models prefer similar colouring.It is easy to guess, that occurrence of OPC-cars was accompanied also by heightened interest from the tuning companies. But the birth of beautiful and powerful sports versions was only on a hand. Use by engineers OPC turbo-motors was doubtless good luck also — they became an excellent basis for powerful tuning. For some last years in division OPC, and then and in the tuning companies have a little changed priorities: the new favourite instead of Zafira became "hot" Astra. But now OPC-enthusiasts have one more favourite — Corsa.
Designers OPC have been limited by corporate standards that is why have stopped on a disputable combination of a plastic grid to a coarse decorative horizontal strip to huge logo Opel. The lattice from Steinmetz corresponds to spirit of model — with a traditional ornament from vertical and horizontal partitions and a graceful logo of studio much more.
Opel Corsa OPC Steinmetz
At the same time on each side a forward bumper there were also "flows" of two half of forward spoiler Steinmetz. They ideally supplement a factory element, introduce an intrigue and are well looked in itself — without any binding central crosspiece.On it, the ruler of components for body Steinmetz, actually, also comes to an end. However, in the company have not given up to itself in pleasure to lay on each side thin strips of the stickers, and also to complete the car with a new cover of a petrol tank.
Dynamic characteristics have considerably improved. Time of dispersal managed to be reduced of 0-100 km/h with 7,2 till 6,8 seconds, and despite obvious difficulties with proslipping of forward wheels on the first transfers. Time of dispersal of 0-200 km/h appears even more indicative. Serial Corsa OPC on 5th transfer, that is approximately after 160 km/h, it becomes lazy enough. And here with options from Steinmetz the arrow of a speedometer with obvious enthusiasm overcomes a treasured mark. As a result, on exercise of prototype Steinmetz of 0-200 km/chu 27 seconds leave, or approximately for 8-9 seconds it is less, than at serial model.The result of use on this kid of 19-inch wheels with is low-profile tyres and a sports suspension bracket could be foreknown. However, all has turned out where better, than it was expected. And in a production version on 18-inch disks Corsa OPC with enviable frequency informs on poor condition of a road covering … even on German highways! The increase in the size of disks at inch and easy correction of an actual profile of tyres already, similar, do not make dramatic consequences. Thus and suspension bracket Steinmetz also does not differ hi-tech options… Similar, that to true owner Corsa OPC such approach to tuning should suit to taste. All without an exception components Steinmetz remarkably work on hooligan image of the car, but thus remaining within the limits of reasonable.
The result of use on this kid of 19-inch wheels with is low-profile tyres and a sports suspension bracket could be foreknown. However, all has turned out where better, than it was expected. And in a production version on 18-inch disks Corsa OPC with enviable frequency informs on poor condition of a road covering… even on German highways! The increase in the size of disks at inch and easy correction of an actual profile of tyres already, similar, do not make dramatic consequences. Thus and suspension bracket Steinmetz also does not differ hi-tech options… Similar, that to true owner Corsa OPC such approach to tuning should suit to taste. All without an exception components Steinmetz remarkably work on hooligan image of the car, but thus remaining within the limits of reasonable.