Company Ford announced the model developed specially for the Indian market — Ford Figo which represents five-door "Fiesta" of the previous generation with new registration of a forward part of a body. Release of this model will be adjusted on local car factory, and the first cars will arrive in salons of Indian dealers Ford in March of next year. On it informs Bloobmerg.
Investments into the Indian car industry
According to Alan Mulally, the president and the chief executive of concern Ford representing new model, the Indian car market now is one of the most fast-growing in the world. By estimations of experts, by 2015 here annually will be on sale more than three millions cars is twice more than in 2008. "And if you wish to sell many cars in India compact models" are necessary to you, — has declared Mulally.
Ford Figo for India
Technical characteristics of Indian "Fiesta-Figo" yet are not informed. According to some information, this model will receive the compact engine in volume of 1,2 litres. Thus, more than 85% of accessories for a novelty will be issued in territory of India.
On car factory building in India Ford is invested already more than 500 million dollars.