Automobile insurance arose in England since 1930. Those years the country government decided that each person owning the car is obliged to insure the vehicle.
Today insurance in England is regulated by the Road Law of 1988 according to which, any driver should either be insured, or get the special insurance deposit. Object of car insurance — a civil liability on causing of damages to other people or their property as a result of use of vehicle on roads and other places.
3rd Party Only or Road Traffic Act Only Insurance?
The most standard performance car insurance which more often meets requirements of the skilled motorist, is named as «third party only insurance». It's a base set of insurance risks. Great Britain is the native land of direct insurance. Direct insurance in the United Kingdom occupies now more than two thirds of insurance market according to United Guild of Insurers which compare car insurance quotes in the UK.
But don't mix the third party only insurance to the Road Certificate «Road Traffic Act Only Insurance». Last provides the minimum of protection for the automobile owner. At the same time, the responsibility limit for 3rd party insurance much more.
If the car has been essentially modified, the insurance company necessarily should know about it, differently the auto-insurance policy will be considered void, and the owner will be threatened with punishment in case of a meeting with police. The car insurance certificate received from the insurance company, testifies that the vehicle specified in him, is insured. Under the local law, the police officer can ask the driver give to him the insurance document for preventive verification.
The Motor Insurers Bureau pays indemnifications to victims in the event that the originator of incident hasn't been insured. Also they uses a database of the market of autoinsurance where there are data on each insured car of the country.